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The 10 most popular passages in Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’
noslave posted Jan. 21, 2014 at 9:24am
"COMMUNISTS RAN AND HID LIKE COCKAROACHES DURING MC CARTHY ERA,THEN THEY CONNED EVERYBODY INTO SUBMISSION WITH POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, NOW THEIR EMBOLDENED??,if each true american patriot,drags one of these people off to wareouses quietley?tortures, then deposits their carcass in a dumpster or??then we can begin to heal otherwise kepp watching the decline??ill its to late?look how far they’ve come with us being politically correct??"
The 10 most popular passages in Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’
noslave posted Jan. 21, 2014 at 9:24am
"COMMUNISTS RAN AND HID LIKE COCKAROACHES DURING MC CARTHY ERA,THEN THEY CONNED EVERYBODY INTO SUBMISSION WITH POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, NOW THEIR EMBOLDENED??,if each true american patriot,drags one of these people off to wareouses quietley?tortures, then deposits their carcass in a dumpster or??then we can begin to heal otherwise kepp watching the decline??ill its to late?look how far they’ve come with us being politically correct??"