When someone announces himself as a Catholic Church Militant claiming to embody the one True Church, you gotta think something - probably the person’s brains - are seriously scrambled. Who could make such a claim for The Church led by the Pope?
Michael Voris that’s who. Purporting to represent the Real Church as opposed to the Phony Church overseen by Pope Francis, this Mr. Voris inhabits a strange crusading fantasy land.
How bizarre are his views? Lets start with that fact they are couched in trumped up church triumphant trappings I call “Faux Middleages”. Ominous, ponderous, leaden, pretentious layered over untruthful, spindly, heretical and sulfurous. He hasn’t missed 50 years of Church history. More like 500.
Here’s what the dude embracing the cutting edge is in to:
Blasting the "Gay Mafia" running the Church, humping for his followers to "Talk Like a Man, Not a Sissy", excoriating "The New Pope & Homoheresy", denouncing "Homosexuals and the Conclave", condemning "Gays in the Clergy" and baiting "Father Gay". Say what? Got a problem, buddy?
When he’s done trashing gays he moves on to the “Alinskyites”.
In this and so much else he’s right there with Stephanie Block on a battlefield they've conjured out of thin air.
Michael Voris that’s who. Purporting to represent the Real Church as opposed to the Phony Church overseen by Pope Francis, this Mr. Voris inhabits a strange crusading fantasy land.
How bizarre are his views? Lets start with that fact they are couched in trumped up church triumphant trappings I call “Faux Middleages”. Ominous, ponderous, leaden, pretentious layered over untruthful, spindly, heretical and sulfurous. He hasn’t missed 50 years of Church history. More like 500.
Here’s what the dude embracing the cutting edge is in to:
Blasting the "Gay Mafia" running the Church, humping for his followers to "Talk Like a Man, Not a Sissy", excoriating "The New Pope & Homoheresy", denouncing "Homosexuals and the Conclave", condemning "Gays in the Clergy" and baiting "Father Gay". Say what? Got a problem, buddy?
When he’s done trashing gays he moves on to the “Alinskyites”.
In this and so much else he’s right there with Stephanie Block on a battlefield they've conjured out of thin air.