Saul Alinsky has accomplished the most difficult of all challenges to organizers - agitating from beyond the grave. His success in this regard has been advanced in part by the sheer volume of stupid things said about him.
Alinskynow.com has been monitoring this torrent of lathered blather for several months as it continues unabated. The most extensive diatribe by far, a full four volumes by someone named Stephanie Block, represents twenty years of hands on research into the nefarious concepts, projects, pronouncements and networks that flow from Alinsky through the shape shifting, amoebic Alinskyites.
Her work is an awful strain on the reader’s patience. To describe it as boring is far too gentle. Mind numbing is more like it.
While paranoid world-views are generally entertaining in some fashion, Block proves the opposite is possible. In fact it’s entirely plausible that the author of Alinsky Now is the book’s only reader through to the end. If you want four volumes occupying over 800 pages that no one else has read, have a go at Block’s Change Agents, Alinskyian Organizing Among Religious Bodies. (See Amazon review.)
Alinskynow.com has been monitoring this torrent of lathered blather for several months as it continues unabated. The most extensive diatribe by far, a full four volumes by someone named Stephanie Block, represents twenty years of hands on research into the nefarious concepts, projects, pronouncements and networks that flow from Alinsky through the shape shifting, amoebic Alinskyites.
Her work is an awful strain on the reader’s patience. To describe it as boring is far too gentle. Mind numbing is more like it.
While paranoid world-views are generally entertaining in some fashion, Block proves the opposite is possible. In fact it’s entirely plausible that the author of Alinsky Now is the book’s only reader through to the end. If you want four volumes occupying over 800 pages that no one else has read, have a go at Block’s Change Agents, Alinskyian Organizing Among Religious Bodies. (See Amazon review.)

Most of the rest of the material about Alinsky floating downstream is like Block’s stuff except more compact – much more compact. The finale is always something like “…and he dedicated one of his books to Lucifer – The Devil.” This last is always offered as breathless, novel revelation.
Because most readers of messages from Blockville apparently don’t have a clue who Lucifer was the bloggers generally feel called upon to clarify his nature. In Blockville nuance is not highly valued. After all, no one likes The Devil although he at least is reported to have a sense of humor.
Because most readers of messages from Blockville apparently don’t have a clue who Lucifer was the bloggers generally feel called upon to clarify his nature. In Blockville nuance is not highly valued. After all, no one likes The Devil although he at least is reported to have a sense of humor.