For sure Alinsky would have been experimenting with all kinds of media technologies had he lived into our time. Facebook, Twitter, d-base construction, websites, blogs, digital vids and the rest of it would have been part of his repertoire. But guess what? He would have seen through the baseless hemorrhage of emails, websites and messaging that passes for "organizing". He would have mocked the ersatz realities towards which the progressive foundation world relentlessly drives community groups. He would have been appalled at the spectacular wastage of potentially useful resources invested in building an online fantasy world.
Given his obsession with finding and training organizers, at bottom he would have raged against the bastardization of organizing through the quick, the easy, the shallow and the ephemeral. Alinsky understood that constructive change required patience, political judgment, deep on the ground relationships and accountability.
Given his obsession with finding and training organizers, at bottom he would have raged against the bastardization of organizing through the quick, the easy, the shallow and the ephemeral. Alinsky understood that constructive change required patience, political judgment, deep on the ground relationships and accountability.