Obama Visits Soup Kitchen On Martin Luther King Day
To interpret the MLK Day photo op on behalf of the White House public relations team:
"The Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr repeatedly risked his life and ultimately lost it to promote community service projects. He was really a nice guy with a quaint but timely message that we all need to remember."
Thanks to you, White House pr types, for the warm and fuzzy story that will inspire my gift of a can of beans to my local food bank. And here I thought Dr King was calling us to be the cutting edge of risky, conflict ridden political change.
To interpret the MLK Day photo op on behalf of the White House public relations team:
"The Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr repeatedly risked his life and ultimately lost it to promote community service projects. He was really a nice guy with a quaint but timely message that we all need to remember."
Thanks to you, White House pr types, for the warm and fuzzy story that will inspire my gift of a can of beans to my local food bank. And here I thought Dr King was calling us to be the cutting edge of risky, conflict ridden political change.