Somehow Saul Alinsky has penetrated the psyche of dimwits, bumblers and ideological fetishists like the blogger, Wayne Allen Root, who says:
"Saul Alinsky is one of Obama’s heroes and mentors. His book “Rules for Radicals,” is Obama’s bible, even though Alinsky’s masterpiece is dedicated to Lucifer, the Devil. Funny, I’ve never heard the media mention that little fact.
"Alinsky’s philosophy is to destroy and discredit any conservative who dares to question you by demonizing him. The strategy is to call him vile names and tell lies, because the end justifies the means. Humiliate and intimidate them so badly, they will hide under the covers, never to be seen again..."
Root specializes in getting it wrong while praising his own intelligence and patriotism to the high heavens. He conflates Lucifer and the Devil which is ignorant but serves his purpose. Then goes on to claim that Alinsky's philosophy was to destroy and discredit "conservatives" which never was Alinsky's target or method.
This poor blogger should hide under the covers and give his readers a break.
More on the depth psychology of folks talking dirty about Alinsky later.
"Saul Alinsky is one of Obama’s heroes and mentors. His book “Rules for Radicals,” is Obama’s bible, even though Alinsky’s masterpiece is dedicated to Lucifer, the Devil. Funny, I’ve never heard the media mention that little fact.
"Alinsky’s philosophy is to destroy and discredit any conservative who dares to question you by demonizing him. The strategy is to call him vile names and tell lies, because the end justifies the means. Humiliate and intimidate them so badly, they will hide under the covers, never to be seen again..."
Root specializes in getting it wrong while praising his own intelligence and patriotism to the high heavens. He conflates Lucifer and the Devil which is ignorant but serves his purpose. Then goes on to claim that Alinsky's philosophy was to destroy and discredit "conservatives" which never was Alinsky's target or method.
This poor blogger should hide under the covers and give his readers a break.
More on the depth psychology of folks talking dirty about Alinsky later.